Large picture files are a plague of web design!

gif image containing more than a few colors tends to have a larger file size than their.

gif files are limited to only 256 colors and any. gif files can have transparent backgrounds - a priceless attribute when it comes to web design. Gifs are best used for banners, clip art, and buttons. This is the third paragraph that appears below the paragraph with the image! HTML Gifs vs. But we aren't talking about that, so it's rather a waste, isn't it?

If we were talking about beautiful tropical sunsets, this picture would be perfect. As you can see this is very nice for adding a little eye candy that relates to the specified paragraph. The image will appear along the right-hand side of the paragraph. I think this paragraph serves as a nice example to show how this image alignment works. Text-only browsers greatly depend on the alt attribute since they are not capable of displaying pictures. The alt attribute specifies alternate text to be displayed if for some reason the browser cannot find the image, or if a user has image files disabled in their web browser settings. If this information is provided in the tag, that's one less step required by the browser to render an image element and will result in the page loading faster for your users. Before it can move from one element on to the next, the browser needs to know the size and shape of an element. This can cause problems with the page layout if the picture file is too large, as other HTML elements will be moved further down the page in the event of an over-sized image.Īnother concept to keep in mind is that as a browser begins rendering HTML components, it handles them one after another in sequence. If no height or width attribute is specified inside the tag, the browser will use the actual dimensions of the image file to render the image. Larger images will always scale down nicely and continue to look sharp. The ratio is critical, and must be maintained to avoid skewing.
On to the next one gif code#
HTML Tutorial HTML - Introduction HTML - Elements HTML - Tags HTML - Text HTML - Formatting HTML - Pre HTML - Attributes HTML - Font HTML - Text Links HTML - Comments HTML - Lists HTML - Images HTML - Image Links HTML - Tables HTML - Bgcolor HTML - Color Codes HTML - Color Chart HTML - Background Web Forms HTML - Forms HTML - Input HTML - Text Fields HTML - Password HTML - Reset HTML - Submit HTML - Checkboxes HTML - Radio HTML - Select HTML - Hidden Fields HTML - Upload HTML - Textareas Special Tags HTML - Body HTML - Music Codes HTML - Video Codes HTML - Meta HTML - Style HTML - Div HTML - Layouts HTML - Frames HTML - Entities HTML - Scripts Formatting Tags HTML - Bold HTML - Paragraphs HTML - Headings HTML - Line Breaks HTML - Horizontal Rule HTML - Email HTML - Italic HTML - Code HTML - Superscript HTML - Subscript HTML - Strikethrough Miscellaneous XML Tutorial Webhost Tutorial Flash Tutorial SEO Tutorial Scripting Javascript Tutorial PHP Tutorial Perl Tutorial Ajax Tutorial ASP Tutorial VBScript Tutorial Web Tutorials Beginner Tutorial HTML Tutorial CSS Tutorial